From one of the Sackett Nation followers (thx Mom!) –
I’m a young HR Pro with some great experience and education – 1 company for 8 years – but recently I’ve been contacted by our main competition about a position that would be a step up. Better title, more money – but I would feel like a total sell-out if I went over there. What should I do?
Loyal Beyond My Years
Dear Loyal,
Here’s what I know –
1. Those who stay with one company – make more money over the long run – assuming you stay the professional route and don’t go all consultant on me.
2. Going to the competition doesn’t make you evil, it makes you human – but don’t assume you will like it more.
3. I’ve left really good companies, with really good people – for better position and money – and it didn’t improve the quality of my life.
4. Within an industry, having perspective of multiple players (i.e., working at the competition, or two) makes you more valuable.
First, consider the fact, if one company is interested in you, maybe there are others. Why do you really want to leave your current position? If your current position matched pay and title, would you stay? If it’s about growth, what are the next 2-3 moves after this one, at the new company? I know this will surprise some people but I’m super conservative when it comes to career advice to others – especially so, when someone tells me they really like their current position and company (but are attracted to more money and title).
So, what should you do? I’d go through the process if you feel it’s a company you would like to work for, and if it’s not the right company, I’d go speak to your boss and tell them the competition contacted me about a job and I turned them down. I turned them down because I really like my job here and the company – I also would like more money and a better title! I understand you might not be able to give me all that, so I’ll settle for the money part. Then shut up and make your boss say the next words.
Two things might happen: 1. You’re good – you’ll get some more money (maybe not as much as if you’d made a move) and maybe a “Sr.” prefix to your title. 2. You’re not that good – you won’t get anything, and maybe shown the door. That’s why I don’t like giving people advice of what I would do – I have had both scenarios happen to me – they are very real outcomes.
Good Luck!