T3 – Whil (@WeAreWhil)

This week on T3 I review the hippy-dippy app called Whil! Okay, Whil really is a mobile app that delivers mindfulness for the modern age. It’s basically a platform of mindfulness for professionals, built by professionals in the mindfulness space.  Whil is specifically designed to corporate wellness, to reduce stress and related illnesses.

Let’s face it, most of us are under way too much stress. As HR pros our executives have thrown this on our backs as well, reduce the stress of all of our employees so they are better performers, more productive and, oh yeah, don’t make it cost too much! I’m very interested in mindfulness, heck, I’m interested in anything that will give me an edge, my problem has been finding the time. Whil seems like a great way to get me started and keep me going.

Do you feel me!?

Whil has a Netflix type UX that allows you to search their 1250+ sessions based on things like “what’s your issue”? Is it stress relief? Bam, here are hundreds of mindfulness exercises, yoga exercises, etc. that can help. You’re low on confidence today. Okay, here are options specifically for you.

5 Things I like about Whil:

1. They have personal dashboards for every employee so they can track their own progress, start from where they left off last, know how long they been doing something, etc. All employees are auto-enrolled by their work email, which allows HR to control access for those who are no longer an employee.

2. HR has their own dashboard which gives them great stats like who’s using Whil the most, which Whil programs are the top ones for their organization, and demographics of your employees who are utilizing the system. The crazy part about stress is we (HR) usually have no idea who is actually under stress, so Whil gives us some better insight to the overall stress health of the organization. The dashboard also allows HR to give out personal rewards to help with user adoption if you choose.

3. Whil has programs for mindfulness, yoga, emotional intelligence, compassionate leadership, etc. Many of the soft skills we need our new leaders to have as well, so it doubles as a great leadership development tool as well, or employee development for hiring managers to recommend to their own staff.

4. Wearable integration! For some organizations, this is big, as many of us have employees who have picked up on the wearable craze and this works right along side that technology as well.

5. All of the sessions are designed to be workplace friendly. 1-10 minute sessions which can be done at their workstation, or a quiet room, exercise room, out on the lawn, you name it!

Mindfulness technology might not be for every employer. The research behind the practices show great results, so it can’t be ignored by HR professionals and leaders. Whil is definitely worth a look if your organization has interest in adding this to your wellness program.

T3 – Talent Tech Tuesday – is a weekly series here at The Project to educate and inform everyone who stops by on a daily/weekly basis on some great recruiting and sourcing technologies that are on the market.  None of the companies who I highlight are paying me for this promotion.  There are so many really cool things going on in the tech space and I wanted to educate myself and share what I find.  If you want to be on T3 – send me a note.

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