Seems like the number people feel like this is some special birthday for me. It’s my 50th. Ugh, that’s hard to type. 50 seems so fucking old! When I was in college, 50 seemed like a lifetime away and now that I’m here, I don’t feel 50.
I actually wasn’t going to write this. I’m in a world where being old is a career death sentence, especially in today’s world! “Wait, you’re a fifty-year-old, white dude!? Yeah, next…” I get it, most middle-aged white dudes are beyond lame. Also, fifty really isn’t middle-aged, unless I plan on living to 100!
…And with my high level of income, there’s no reason I can’t live to be 245, maybe 300! – Ricky Bobby
Mentally, I feel like I’m a young 30-ish. Humor-wise, maybe young 20’s. Physically, maybe 67, which also makes no sense because I work harder now at being physically fit than I have in twenty years! So, this entire birthday makes absolutely no sense to me.
What have I learned in my fifty years on this rock?
– Don’t love or give expecting to be loved or given something in return. If you love to love, then love. If you love to give, then give. If you expect something in return, you’re going to be let down frequently.
– The best seats are almost always worth it.
– Find someone who makes you better and never let them go. Too often we find people who want to make us the best version of ourselves and we push them away, “why can’t you just accept me for me!” Because “you” suck, but you can be so much better! Let’s try!
– Once you drink four of anything, the quality and cost no longer matter. The person who says it does is most likely someone you don’t want to hang with, just from an annoyance standpoint. Yeah, I’m sure you can really tell the level of gin you’re drinking after the fifth one…
– It doesn’t matter how smart you are. If you bore the crap out of people they won’t hear what you have to say. If you try to impress the smartest person in the room, you’ll usually fail. Try to impress the rest.
– Never underestimate how great new shoes can make you feel.
– People in high-level jobs (CEOs, etc.), making millions of dollars are much more similar to you than you think. They just had better timing and networks.
– When someone tells you they have tried their hardest, most haven’t even given you 50%. That’s really hard for someone to hear, but it’s true. What they are really saying is “I’ve tried the hardest I’m going to for what I’m going to get out of this”. There’s a study that shows most people’s bodies will tell them they are done when they’ve only really used up 15% of their ability to keep going.
– Your value has little to do with your actual value and everything to do with how much someone is willing to pay you.
– A pizza and a six-pack in a hotel lobby with great friends always beats a 5-star restaurant when dining with idiots.
– Most people need a hug. A real, genuine hug. Linger a bit. Tell them you missed them. Tell them everything is going to be alright. Tell them you are there for them. Don’t linger too long, that’s creepy. Hug for real.
– People who tell you they aren’t the “Ritz Carlton” type, most likely haven’t stayed at a Ritz Carlton. Because that sh*t is dope! “It’s so choice…If you have the means…” – Ferris
– A great massage will leave you drooling like you had a stroke. Tip that person well.
– If you see someone who does something awesome, find a way to tell them, privately. A quick call, text, email, written note, pull them aside. That one-on-one interaction is the most valuable thing you can ever give them.
– “Call them again” is the most powerful recruiting strategy of all time. “I already called them and they weren’t interested.” So, call them again! That next call really makes you work. What are you going to say? What are you going to ask for? How will you get some kind of value out of this call? “Call them again!” 99.9% of people won’t make that second call.
– It’s way better to know what you suck at than what you’re good at.
– No one on the planet works harder than a single mom. No one. Give these women a break. Help them. Admire them. Build environments that help them thrive.
– I’m simultaneously more woke and less woke as I hit the half-century. Part of me is so much more knowledgeable and understanding now as this age by a mile compared to younger me, and also older me just wants to know whey we all can’t just get along.
– Deadpool should have won an Oscar for Best Picture. Don’t @ me, Trolls! You can’t come up with a funnier movie, don’t even try. Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby is close.
– Don’t take financial advice from someone who’s car cost more than their house. They fail to understand the simple depreciation and appreciation of assets.
– Have an opinion. Hang with folks who don’t share your opinion, and value that fact you don’t share their opinion. It won’t get you promoted, but it will let you sleep at night, and lead to the best conversations you’ll ever have in your life.
– The only thing you’ll ever get everyone to agree on is puppies. 100% of everyone on the planet is in on puppies. Buy all the puppy stock you can.
– Don’t ever feel guilty about not spending ‘enough’ time with those you love, if the time you are spending away from them is for their benefit. But, when you do spend the time, really spend the time.
– Seeing other cultures and spending time around the world with people from other cultures is the best D&I training you’ll ever receive. Just go. The world continues to shrink. People will help you. I’ve made friends all over the world and it’s enriched my life beyond anything I could ever imagine.
– Hater’s gonna hate.
Thanks for letting me indulge myself today. I started blogging because I found it to be therapy. I write what I’m thinking. Sometimes you like it, sometimes you hate it, sometimes you forget about it the moment it’s read. Me too.
Happy belated birthday Tim! I turned 50 the day before you, so yeah, I get the whole disbelief thing. People keep telling me that the fifties are awesome, so I’m going with that. Positivity all the way. Also, awesome photo.
I’m late to comment, Tim, but this is a great list of learnings! Thank you for sharing.
Happy Half Century Tim! Great article. I guess I need to finally see Deadpool given your passionate recommendation. Here’s to another great half century which would indeed make 50 mid-life. Who knows?!?
Ali – I will say, my humor might be darker than yours – just so you go in eyes wide open!
50 and fabulous, I joined the club last year. Have a fantastic year.
Happy Birthday one of my favourite Gingers! You are catching up to me and when you do, then you will really know the true meaning of old.
Happy Birthday Tim – You’re always a wealth of wisdom and wit. Solid takes! I hit the 40 milestone this year and I didn’t really know what to do/ say with all that.. What I do know is that If I have 1/2 as much energy as you and add 1/2 as much value to those around me at 50 I’ll be doing well. Cheers to the next decade – hope that it brings more hugs, deeper relationships and more pizza/beer nights with friends!
Happy Birthday, Tim! Enjoy every minute.
Happy 50th! Love the post appreciate the pearls of wisdom.
Happy 50th Birthday, Tim! I loved reading your insights, as well as your daily blog. Your humor and honesty are very much appreciated!
Fantastic message. Happy Birthday Tim!
As I approach my 50th myself, your 3rd paragraph really is how I explain myself to those my junior. Rock on and Happy Birthday.
Love it Tim! I hit the 50 mark this past September so I understand where you’re coming from in so many ways. Keep this in mind: “youth is not a time of life, but rather a state of mind”. Peace!
Happy Birthday! Great article.
50s is actually a cool place to be.
Quite a few resonated. Non resonated as much as this – From this single mom of 20 plus years, thank you for acknowledging single moms.
Thank you for this, honesty and vulnerability and practicality and humour all in one. Am printing it out and sticking it to my desk top.
Great article! Wishing you the best in your birthday! You don’t act or look 50! Keep that shit up!
This is a great read, Tim!
Happy 50th…make sure to get your AARP card!
Enjoy the day!!!
Great post. And a great picture!
Good stuff Tim, Happy Birthday and welcome to the Over-50-white-dudes club!
Happy birthday! Beat you to this number by a couple of months and feel the same way about this age. (Although I’m not completely on board with your humor level in the low 20s. Are you sure it isn’t late teens?)
I never anything as cool as writing a list like this, though. LOVE it.
And great picture, by the way. Could definitely buy that you’re in your 30s.
Happy birthday Tim! I loved what you had to say!
Happy Birthday!