Future-Proofing Your Talent Acquisition Spending

It’s that time of year when most of us in talent acquisition just got that fresh new budget for the year. While most of it will be earmarked for stuff we already have, it’s always exciting to think about some new things we can bring on board — and there might even be some things you use it for that you haven’t even thought about yet. 

So how do we make sure we’re spending that money in the right way? Well, this caught my eye: some fascinating research from Aptitude Research looking specifically at corporate talent acquisition budgets.

The findings were both somewhat shocking and somewhat expected to me. One of the first things that hit me when looking at this research report was the reality that most TA leaders don’t have long-range visibility into our budgets. Almost all of us have a one-year view or less. It’s very rare for a TA leader to have visibility beyond a year (as corporate budgets tend to go), yet we are constantly told to think long-term about our talent strategies.

The problem here is that if you have workforce plans and strategies that your executives are building that are a few years down the road, but no budget, how exactly do you accurately prepare for that? Well, you better be sitting down with your CFO and their team to develop, at least, cursory budgets that are beyond a year in length, especially if you foresee growth or major technology changes happening (hello, AI!).

Here’s another big one from the report: “Currently 64% of TA leaders fear they will face budget cuts this year, and 1-in-3 believe their existing budget is being wasted.” 

Let’s start with our budgets getting cut each year. Get ready for an unpopular opinion! If you don’t have major change or growth happening, then some combination of these three things is happening: you’re 1.) optimizing your processes, 2.) upgrading your team. and 3.) utilizing your current technology to its fullest. In this case … your TA budget should be cut — that’s just how leadership works. In your role, you should be expected by your organization to gain efficiency, increase productivity, and reduce costs year over year.

On the other side, if 33% believe their TA budget is being wasted, this is a real problem. It’s not exactly a “you problem”, but it’s also kind of a “you problem”. Now, we all get saddled with bad contracts that we need to work our way out of as we take on new TA leader roles, or maybe it was our own doing, and we have to live with it before we can make it better. So, some waste is understood in the short term. My hope for the third of leaders who felt this way is that they’re doing everything they can to tackle that waste.

Fake Jobs Aren’t Real!

Okay, it’s been a while. We had the holidays, and then I went on my annual Caribbean get-out-of-Michigan trip – but I’m back!

When I came back, I’m immediately hit with the “Ghost Jobs” “Fake Jobs’ thing all over the media, and you guys know I was going to lose my mind! So, KD and I jumped on a pod to discuss.


BTW – Here’s some early returns on an informal survey I did on LinkedIn:

This actually aligns with the WSJ article. So, what do I have to say about this?

Nope. It’s still a fake concept. We’re just really bad at communicating with candidates, so it’s easy for candidates to believe when they don’t hear anything back, it must be fake!

Also, I did have one brave soul message me privately with a link to show me a fake job! It was a startup technology company that was going through layoffs, but they didn’t want the “street” to think they were doing poorly. But they are, and this friend of the blog said they were 100% not filling these jobs. So, for real, fake jobs do exist, but it’s rare.

Are You a Professional Survivor?

I was talking with an HR Leader who recently left their position. It’s a tale as old as time; they came in to make the massive transformation of the HR function. They were surrounded by a team that had been in place for decades. A team of professional survivors, I call them. They had been through other HR leaders, and they went through my friend.

What is a Professional Survivor?

First, let me try to define it: “An employee who does slightly above the minimum based on what the current leader desires, but they are more intuned with what the organizational politics prefers.”

Traits of a Professional Survivor:

  • Friendly with the current leader and can acknowledge the failures of the past leader without taking responsibility for those failures. (I was doing what I was told and tried to advise them we should be doing what you want us to do now.)
  • They are usually fairly well-connected with the old guard within the organization. Professional survivors know how to stick together.
  • They never rock the boat. Even when they are demanded to rock the boat by their current leader.
  • They are experts at knowing when to push for promotion and pay increases and when not to.
  • They are often well-liked, good, positive energy people, so they are not viewed as a problem; they are viewed as just good employees; we wish we had more of them. They know how to “go with the flow.”

I’m not here to bash professional survivors. We see them in every single organization, and they might be the glue that keeps organizations going through major leadership shifts and changes. When we hire new leaders to come in and make change, it’s very common for these executive leaders to bring in their own next-level leaders directly under them, but rarely do you see entire teams overturn. Professional survivors always remain.

Many of us grew up with parents and grandparents who were professional survivors. For those who are type-A it might have made you mad that you were raised by a professional survivor. “How did you just stay in that position your entire career!? Working for the same company for 40 years!?” We struggle to understand that mentality. For the non-type A personalities, we struggle to understand how someone can be so reckless with their career.

Professional survivors want to see the organization succeed. I mean, the majority do. There are always bad folks in every organization. What they don’t want is for something to disturb their status quo in life, which sometimes makes it feel like they don’t honestly want to see success, as much as a new leader might believe.

The key to any new leader in an organization is understanding who are the professional survivors on my team. How do I get these people to be on my side and want to help me, help the organization, and ultimately help them maintain their status? Professional survivors can be amazing advocates to have as a leaders. They know the norms. They know the right people. And they know how to survive!

AI’s Impact on Job Applications: A Growing Challenge

I was going through my email recently, and I saw some data pulled from Greenhouse showing that the number of applications has basically doubled per job opening in the past year. At first glance, you would believe, “Oh, the economy isn’t doing great; that’s probably the reason.” But in reality, unemployment is still relatively low. So, it is a bit harder to find a job, but historically, there has been pretty low unemployment.

My next feeling is that AI and candidates’ ability to use AI to apply for jobs are more likely the culprits and the Greenhouse team confirmed that. They are seeing candidates apply to many jobs within seconds, which isn’t humanly possible. Also, candidates are using AI tools to match their resumes to the job description, so our matching technology is also struggling to differentiate candidates.

All of this leads me to one simple conclusion.

If AI writes resumes for our jobs and matches jobs to our candidates, we are going to end up with way more candidates who look amazing but are most likely not that amazing. The only way we’ll find this out is to do an amazing job interviewing!

Guess what?!

Most of us SUCK at interviewing! I mean, not you/us/I; we are recruiting professionals, and we are amazing at interviewing! Right?! Right? Right…

It’s our hiring managers who will need the most help.

This is why I believe Interview Intelligence Technology, like Pillar (FYI—I’m an advisor and investor in Pillar—I think they’re amazing technology) and BrightHire, will be the type of HR Technology that takes off in 2025 and 2026. Right now, about 10% of organizations are using AI-built interview technology, but we’ll begin to see that percentage skyrocket.

Our reality in Talent Acquisition is this:

  • We don’t have the capacity to interview enough candidates now, and it’s getting worse, not better.
  • We don’t have the capacity, material, and skill to train our hiring managers to be better at interviewing to the level we need them.
  • We need technology to help us be better at making interviews as bias-free as possible for all of those employees we have interviewing candidates.
  • We need to be able to track all the data and content created in interviews.

When I start to ask myself what the future of HR and Talent Acquisition looks like in an AI-enabled world, this is one of the things I’ve come up with. We’ll be having way more face-to-face interviews than ever before, and it’s going to be more critical for us to make fewer false-positive hires, not only from a skills standpoint but also from a fit standpoint.

A New Workplace Hug

This Re-Run Friday reminds me of my roots. Workplace hugging.

Mailbag Question: Should Our Receptionist Hug Clients?

So, yes, I’m the “World’s Foremost Expert on Workplace Hugging” so it seems appropriate that this week I would get the following question from a reader:

Dear World’s Foremost Expert on Workplace Hugging, 

My boss asked me to do something this week and before I did it I wanted to ask an expert, like yourself, and get some other opinions. The situation is our CEO has asked me to ‘tell’ our front desk receptionist that she will now be required to hug each client that comes into our office. Our CEO feels this will create a more welcoming and friendly environment for our clients. What are your thoughts on doing this?

Thinking this doesn’t right in Middle America! 

Yes, this was an actual exchange that I had this week! I made up the name, but everything else is as accurate as I can make and still protect the innocent!

So, a CEO of an actual, successful company, wants “Mary” the Receptionist to start hugging every client that comes to the office. Wow. Right? Just, Wow!

Here’s my response:

Middle America,

First, being a hugger, I actually understand where your CEO is coming from. When I go into a business and I’m met with a friendly (natural, unforced) hug. I feel very welcome! When I’m down south, I seem to get more hugs than if I’m on either coast or in a big city. So, part of me actually understands the psychology behind this request.

That being said, I have one question for your CEO (and I encourage to ask this question): “If Mary leaves as your receptionist, and you hire “Mark” to replace her, will your CEO still want “Mark” to go and hug every client?” I’ll take make a ‘big’ assumption here and say, no, probably not!

This is a very quick and simple way to point out how harassing this action would be viewed by normal people. If you decide to go down this path of making hugging an actual work requirement, you will end up in a lawsuit at some point!

Okay, I’m a hugger, so let me tell you how you get most of what you want, without the lawsuit! Go hire a natural hugger to man your front desk and never discourage this behavior! You’ll get most of what you want, especially if your CEO and others mirror this hugging behavior to every client they meet in front of this person.

Good Luck,

Tim The World’s Foremost Expert in Workplace Hugging!

I love HR because of this very real, innocent question. You never actually know what the heck you’ll walk into each day, and there is no way of planning for the insane things that happen!

Have a great Friday HR Pros! You deserve it!

Maybe I’ve Been Wrong About Quality of Hire (QoH)

I was at LinkedIn’s Talent Connect Summit this week, and I sat in a session on measuring the quality of hire delivered by Ana Recio, the VP of Talent at Uber. I’m a big fan of QoH, and I’m not alone. LinkedIn’s own annual recruitment data shows that QoH is the #1 priority for people leaders. I actually wrote quite a bit about QoH in my book, The Talent Fix, Vol. 2, but my take was a bit different from most people in our space, and although it pains me to say it, most people might be right, and I might be wrong!

My original belief is that QoH needs to have an industry standard measure to mean anything. If we can’t benchmark across industry, what are we really measuring? Or so I thought.

Ana at Uber and her team built a straightforward survey measure of QoH (You can download Uber’s QoH measure details here) that, after six months, asks the hiring manager simply, “Would you hire this person again, if given the chance?” They also ask the employee if this is the job they thought they would be getting. This is very similar to the approach CrossChq has taken in their QoH measure.

I like the simplicity. My struggle with QoH has always been it’s just too damn difficult to really measure it (in the way I thought it should be measured). I was stuck on the “quality” component and wanting data around quality. In my head, that meant performance data. How can we show this hire was better than another hire that previously worked in this job or many other hires that have worked in this job? That meant you had to wait a period of time to have real performance data. It all seemed like a lot.

Uber figured out, that “data” could just be a signal from the hiring manager. Simple, yet still valid.

Does this simplicity have issues?


I’m kind of stuck on us believing all of our hiring managers will have enough confidence to actually call our their own failure of selection, development, and performance management. That’s what we are asking them – “Would you make this same selection again if given the choice?” Meaning either you chose successfully, and this person has been great, or you failed in your selection, and this person sucks.

Also, if I’m confident, I come clean and say, “No, I would not choose this person again.” Will HR be coming down to put this person on a performance plan? Do I need to put them on a plan? I mean, if we are honest, and I don’t want to hire this person again, it’s probably time we move on and actually hire a person I would hire again, right?

This QoH measure and process are new to Uber, so Ana and her team haven’t really crossed that bridge yet. Since this is so new, maybe they haven’t run into this issue. I wasn’t able to ask her this question, but I plan on sending it to her as a follow-up to see how it’s going when they get some more data.

Still, I like what Uber is doing. Maybe we don’t need “one” measure of QoH to make it meaningful and impactful. Maybe each organization will figure out its own data and measure QoH in a way that makes sense to them. Maybe some organizations will have multiple QoH measures based on positions (Sales vs. Engineering, for example).

The data nerd in me would love one global QoH measure, but I also love that organizations are just trying to figure this out on their own and benchmarking against themselves. In the end, talent intelligence is about making your hiring better, period. Thanks to Ana and Uber team for sharing!!

Annual Review or Annual Purge?

Have you ever considered how your company handles terminations when annual review season rolls around?

Back in the day, Tesla made headlines when they let go of 400 employees right after performance reviews. If you missed the details, it’s an interesting read, and you can check it out online. Plus, my friend Kris Dunn took a deep dive into Tesla’s unique culture over at The HR Capitalist—definitely worth a read!

When the news broke, Tesla confirmed in a statement that these departures were “part of an annual review” but didn’t provide an exact number.

The San Jose Mercury News reported that up to 700 employees across roles, from engineers to factory workers, were cut. Tesla’s statement mentioned that performance reviews sometimes lead to employee departures—a common practice for companies of their size, with more than 33,000 employees worldwide.

But here’s the question: is tying terminations to annual reviews a good way to sustain a healthy workplace culture?

Sure, Tesla’s got the cool factor—having “Tesla” on your resume is a badge of honor for many. But does that still apply if employees feel like they’re on the chopping block every review season? I get that letting go of underperformers is a necessary part of business, but should it be tied to once-a-year performance reviews?

Picture the lead-up to review week at Tesla. I can almost imagine the “just-in-case” goodbye lunches, where everyone’s invited to break bread “just because.” And once reviews are over, that Friday could be one big post-review party.

Let’s be real—firing employees around annual review time can turn a standard process into a high-stress, anxiety-driven experience. If a company only addresses performance issues annually, that’s a sign performance management might be falling short.

Strong, performance-driven cultures don’t wait for review season to give feedback; they make it a continuous process. If improvement isn’t happening, high-performing companies usually address the issue immediately, rather than waiting for an annual purge day that piles on unnecessary stress.

But hey everyone can march to their own drumbeat! I’d love to meet Tesla’s HR leader back then and hear their take on how they think this approach strengthens their culture.

Keep it real in HR!

Just play your hits!

I’ve been on the road a lot this fall. It’s conference season, and that’s what I do!

During that time, I was lucky enough to see two concerts: Garth Brooks (okay, calm down and let the legal stuff play itself out first) and Pink. Both shows were amazing. Both artists have a ton of hit records. Both artists came out and played all of their hits! It was basically a two-hour sing-along, and it was amazing.

Garth even came out and just said – “Don’t you hate it when you go to a concert, and the artist wants to play all of their new stuff that no one knows?!” Yes, Garth! I hate that! He said, well, that isn’t going to be this show, and played all of his great songs. I lost my voice singing!

Play your hits!

As organizations, we stop playing our hits. Marketing departments are the worst at this, but employment branding is pretty bad at this as well. We always want to tell people about the new stuff, not the stuff that made us who we are!

We get sick of our own bullsh*t way faster than the market gets sick of it.

New features, new menu items, new products, new colors, new, new, new.

I get it, and I love the new stuff as well. But we tend to walk away from what we are really good at way too often and way too quickly. There should be a part of our strategy that looks at what are we really good at and how often are we reminding people we are really freaking good at this?!

In HR, that is doing stuff like continuing to tell our employees about those great benefits that we know are great, but not enough are taking advantage of. To highlight great leaders in our organizations that employees love to work for, but well, Tim got that award last time, so let’s not talk about him this time. No, talk about him! Keep selling what you’re good at!

In recruiting, we tend to sell what we think candidates want to hear. Instead, sell who you really are, the good of who you are, and then the candidates who come will want you, the good you! I want to hear about why your longest-tenured employees decide each and every day to stay employed with you. Those hires are your hits!

As individuals, do what you are good at and do it some more. I can’t tell you how often I see amazing individual performers get pulled into jobs they really don’t want. They might want that pay increase, but they definitely don’t want that job. They stop playing their hits, and no one likes their new stuff!

So, what did we learn today? Tim has a very eclectic music taste, and he likes to sing-alongs!

Want to Love Your Job? Have Double The Fun

Baseball legend Ernie Banks had a famous saying: “Let’s play two!” Whenever there was a doubleheader coming up, he’d say, “It’s a great day for baseball, let’s play two!”

That kind of excitement can apply to anything we do in life. It’s all about the attitude, right? How often do you think about something you need to do and your first thought is, “Let’s do it twice!”?

“Awesome, a file audit—let’s go for round two!”
“Teeth cleaning? Sure, let’s make it a double!”
“Mowing the lawn? You bet, I’m doing it again!”

For most people, probably never! But this is a great way to tell if you really enjoy what you’re doing.

Instead of asking, “Do I want to do this twice?” ask yourself, “Would I be happy doing this twice?” If the answer is yes, then you know you’re doing something you love.

I enjoy recruiting, but do I want to recruit for the same job twice? Well, that depends. If I’m hiring for the same role because we lost a candidate, that’s not the best feeling. But if it’s because we need someone for a new position, then yeah, bring it on!

It all comes down to how you approach your work. Ernie Banks loved baseball so much he couldn’t wait to “play two.” And sure, baseball is a game, but we’ve all seen people turn something they love into a career and still enjoy it—while others might end up feeling burnt out. The job might be the same, but how they feel about it can make a big difference.

At the end of the day, the gap between someone who’s great at their job and someone who struggles often comes down to their attitude. Loving what you do and having a positive outlook can turn any task into something you’d happily do more than once.

Employment Branding is the New Black

This Re-Run Friday was originally published in September 2015. Let me know what you think!

3 Things You Desperately Need to Understand About Your Employment Branding

Employment branding is the new black.

It’s been the new black for a few seasons now, so I keep waiting to see what’s next.  Talent Acquisition technology (mostly CRM based tools) are really hot right now and will get hotter in the future, but EB is still king for the moment.

Why?  Mostly because the majority of HR and TA leaders suck at marketing, and their internal marketing folks have bigger fish to fry, like driving top-line sales, increasing traffic, gaining market share, etc.  So, HR and TA pros are left to deal with their employment brand on their own.  Which means, they’re mostly paying others to do this work for them.

Here’s what most HR and TA leaders are missing:

1. Employment Branding is not Advertising. It’s marketing. Marketing and Advertising are different. Employment branding is not about increasing the number of applicants you are getting. It’s about telling and sharing what it’s like to work at your organization.  If you do a great job, yes, you’ll see more applicants. But, I could never share my employment brand and increase my applicants through just sheer advertising muscle.

2. Your Employment Brand is most valuable when people consume it organically. No one likes to be forced fed. They love it when someone introduces them to something cool. Kind of like, “hey, I just discovered this, check it out.”

3. Your own employees’ Network Effect is the most powerful way to share your brand. Network effect is the effect that one user of a good or service has on the value of that product to other people. Meaning your own employees are the most powerful vehicles to share your employment brand that you have. The key is finding ways where they’ll want to freely, and readily, share your brand to their network. This also speaks to the importance of Candidate Experience, since your candidates also have a strong network effect.

At the Glassdoor Employer Branding Summit last week we were asked, “where we see employment branding in five years?”  I see employment branding becoming much more integrated into the overall company branding.  Right now, some big companies are already doing this.  You see General Electric doing a strong job of finding ways to integrate their employment brand directly into their normal brand messaging.

Current GE advertising is sharing the message we are digital company who is also an industrial company, while going after Coders.  It’s a corporate brand message, that is also an employment brand message.  This is not owned or produced by GE’s HR function. This is clearly coming out of GE’s corporate marketing department, with influence from Talent Acquisition and Operations.

Employment branding is still for the most part an issue HR and TA are having to deal with. Within five years, this will be an organizational priority for not only HR, but the entire organization, and marketing will pull it over to their side of the fence, which I believe is where it belonged from the start.