7 Quick Lessons to Improve Your Recruiting Immediately! #GlobalTADay

First, before we get into the juicy content, Happy Global TA Day to all my TA, Recruiting, Staffing RPO friends out there working the grind! Today is a celebration of our profession! For me, recruiting has always been one of the most important aspects of any organization. We, the Recruiters, work daily to increase the talent in our organizations, and I’ve yet to find a CEO who won’t say that is one of the most important things an organization can do!

The 7 Lessons:

  1. Advertising works – what I’m finding right now with most TA shops, SMB to Enterprise, are they are funding their job advertising like it’s 2019, and 2021 is a completely different animal! I’m seeing organizations spending 5-10X to get the same traffic. So, open the check book, it’s time to up your advertising budget!
  2. Push for Referrals. No! Harder! Employee referral hires make up on average 40% of your total hires for most organizations. They are on average some of our highest quality of hires. Work to get more of these! That doesn’t necessarily mean higher referral bonuses. Before you pay more, invest in some great referral automation technology.
  3. Establish an Employee Advocacy Group. We have a small set of employees who love their jobs, the company, etc. This small group can help us spread our employer brand message, jobs, etc. For little more than some recognition, a few lunches, and some inside access. Use the power of your employees to incraese your brand!
  4. Nurture your own Resume Database in your ATS. Your ATS database is your most underutilized resource you have in Talent Acquisition, by a thousand miles! Maybe a million miles. Every single person in there at one time applied to a job saying I love you I want to come work for you. If we actually threw some great CRM technology on top of that database, you would be amazed at how many additional hires you could make. We currently use two tools Loxo and Candidate ID.
  5. Old School is New School. I keep hearing from Enterprise TA leaders that old school recruiting activities like, in-person career fairs are working right now! Why? All of the new automation has made recruiting a bit more impersonal, and candidates actually like being able to talk to a real human and get told “yes” or “no” to their face. At the very least, they don’t get ghosted or lost in the black hole!
  6. Increase your Automation! But, wait, you just said…Yeah, it’s one or the other, it’s both! A.I. driven automation, especially in high volume hiring, will help you hire faster and better. Having an AI driven chatbot on your career site will drive more applies. The data is all pretty clear on this tech.
  7. Train and Develop Your Recruiting Teams! Want to be better at recruiting, how about putting some money into making your recruiters better! I love the training tool that Social Talent has. My entire team has been through it. SourceCon also has some good training.

Bonus Tip! Actually, measure your recruiting funnel and react accordingly. I find most TA shops measure things that really don’t move the needle in recruiting. You need to know the baseline activity of your recruiters, so you can actually understand what your overall recruiting capacity is, and if recruiters are meeting a level of activity to produce results.

I actually wrote all of this in my book (The Talent Fix), along with some other stuff! But, as it turns out, most people hating reading books! 😉

Happy Global TA Day my friends!

4 thoughts on “7 Quick Lessons to Improve Your Recruiting Immediately! #GlobalTADay

  1. This is a great list. It seems simple, but I know how hard it is. Curious as to where the strain on recruiting is coming from? Why is it so much harder in 2021? I have some assumptions but would like your thoughts.

  2. On #7 – we are in the process of taking an HR Generalist onto our Recruitment team, but they lack experience sourcing. I was just thinking of AIRS or Social Talent, but leaning towards Social Talent. Can you elaborate on your decision to go with Social Talent?

    • I love social talent for a few reasons. The content is updated constantly, and the instruction is done by industry experts I know. Also, as a recruiting leader, I can track progress and the recruiters need to test out of modules to prove they actually know their sourcing stuff. Like here’s an issue, right a boolean string! And it’s graded, and if they don’t pass they do it again with additional instruction.

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