Can I be real a second?
For just a millisecond?
Let down my guard and tell the people how I feel a second?
No! I don’t want your stupid Guest Blog Post!
Several times a day I have “writers” reach out to me and ask me if they can submit a guest blog post to my blog. Anyone who blogs, in any industry, has this happen to them. The more traffic your blog gets, the more requests for “guest blogs” you get.
The problem is, all of these guest blogs aren’t what they seem. But, these folks pitching their guest blogs act like the people who own blogs have no idea what they are really trying to do.
The seedy underbelly of the blogger world!
You didn’t know I was going to open up the kimono today and let out all the secrets, did you!? Here’s the real deal, 99.9% of folks who request to write a guest blog are only doing it so they can put up marginal content that is loaded with links that go back to a client site they are getting paid by.
They don’t care about the content.
They don’t care about my audience.
They only care about getting paid and getting their below-average content on as many blogs as possible.
Welcome to the show, kids!
I don’t want your guest blog, I want to punch you in the face!
Look, I get it. We all need to make a buck. I’m not trying to stop you from that. I’m trying to stop you from having to lie to people all day, every day. I think the better ‘sales” strategy for pitching me a blog, should be:
“Hey Tim” (No, not just “Hi” so I know 100% you have no idea who I am)
“I’ve got a piece pre-written with 7 link backs to my client. I’m getting paid $X for this piece if I can get it on your blog and promote the crap out of it. I’ll Venmo you $X if you work with me and getting this posted.”
“Here is the Title and what it’s about. Are you game?”
Here’s why you suck, super hard!
- You contact me and ask to use some of the most valuable real estate I own, but you only give me your Gmail address and your first name. No company name. No LinkedIn profile link. No phone number. Why is that? Because the vast majority of you are frauds and you don’t want me to know who you really are.
- Your content, at its best, is vanilla. While your client loves it because you blew hot air up their asses, everyone else thinks it’s crap.
- See #1
Guest Blogs that I Accept
Rule #1– I don’t accept guest blogs.
Rule #2 – When I do accept a guest blog there are personal reasons for me doing so. I had my son guest blog to help him find a job. I had friends in the industry guest blog for me while I was on vacation because I love their voices in our industry and I want more people to meet them and hear them.
Rule #3 – You can’t sell my audience a bunch of crap disguised as content with a ton of link backs, where you are getting paid and me and my audience are getting your lame content!
Rule #4 – Pay the dude who owns the blog! I’m like all the kids – I have PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, etc. You can pay me in U.S. Currency, BitCoin, Gin, Puppies, etc. but if you’re getting paid, I want to get paid. It’s a fairness thing. Why should you get to put up your work for free on my blog and get paid, and I’m not? Does that seem fair to you?
So, here’s the deal!
There are about 13,000 ghostwriters, link-back, guest blogger types right now that have bots set up reading this title “Guest Bloggers Wanted” who will start emailing me constantly, without ever reading this post believing I truly want their shitty content. I don’t. But, like everyone in the world, I’ve got a price. If you pick the right price, we can probably do business. The odd of you picking the right price, are not in your favor!
Guest Blog Inquiries Can Be Sent To:
You are my favorite. I don’t read blogs where I can’t trust content.
Please tell me you’ll keep us updated on the results of this blog. How many more unsolicited emails do you get? Do any of them read this and actually offer to pay?
Speaking of gin, what’s your favorite? A bottle never lasts long and I always like trying new types.
They’re getting increasingly aggressive, too! It seems the less relevant they are the more they will email and chase.
Overseas RPOs are getting into the same email game – I’m going to reach out and see if you want to engage in a million-dollar agreement but I’m only giving you a fake first name, and a matching fake Gmail address. Sure, let’s do a deal!
Unbelievable that someone thinks that will work.
Someone had to say it. 40% of emails I delete come from off-base guest blogger pitches. The same goes for guest podcast requests that don’t align. Sheesh!
We all get the game, right!? All we are asking is folks play the game a little better!
Also, if you want to guest blog for my site, you should reach out to Joey, because I’m sure he needs guest bloggers!
sending gin your way …
You are the best! Appreciate all of your support over the years!