One of the most unique Recruiting vendors I saw when I was at HR Tech a few weeks back was a company out France. The name of the company is Intomi – pronounced – “In-To-Me” and they’ve come up with a product that I dare say might change Corporate Recruiting as we know it, and when I say they’ve come up with something no one else has – believe me – NO One is selling this product!
Think about what is the one thing that Corporate recruiting is missing – what is it?
No, it’s not sourcing tools – they’ve got plenty of those.
No, it’s not screening tools – that market is flooded.
No, it’s not ATS’s, or CRM’s, or branding – and you’re not going to guess this because their product is unlike anything that has ever been scene in corporate recruiting.
What Intomi does is quite simple, which makes it even that more powerful. That’s really what every recruiting and HR vendor should be striving for – designing a product so simple that it needs no explanation – just pick it up or turn it on – and go. Simple is difficult to do – Intomi gets this! I’m sure it was the simplicity of their design that first drew me into their product, but it was the functionality that kept me looking at it.
In 20 years of being in the talent/HR space I’ve never seen a product that had such an immediate impact to the amount of talent that was brought into our organization, and was so cost effective at the same time. When job boards first came out 20+ years ago – that was a big deal – and over the past 10 years social tools have really changed the game – but all of these things had one fundamental flaw – Intomi changes all of that – it eliminates the one struggle that corporate recruiting still has.
Intomi does one thing and one thing only – Intomi will immediately separate you from your competition – as you can tell I’m a huge fan! So, what is this super simple, super powerful solution to all of your recruiting problems?
Intome forces your recruiters to physically pick up the phone and dial the number of a candidate – and won’t allow the recruiter to hang up the phone until they say at least one word. Freaking Brilliant! This will be HR Tech’s 2013 Award winner for sure! How does Intome do this? Glad you asked. They use something called metrics – which actually tracks the number of calls a recruiter makes, how long they spent on the phone and how many qualified screened candidate profiles they send on to hiring managers. If those metrics aren’t met, the recruiter is then coached and if they are continually not met, Intome will fire them for you! I’m just really in love with this product!
I’m not their sales person – but if you want more information on this product, then you have no idea what you’re doing in recruiting.