Want Higher Employee Engagement? Integrate a Cat Charity

Have you ever tried to get your employees to join a Habitat for Humanity project, or go down to the local homeless shelter to volunteer?  It seems like an easy endeavor, I which of your employees don’t want to help out the less fortunate?  Apparently, most of them!  From Georgetown University’s Center for Social Impact:

“…the study underscored this new dynamic: You are twice as likely to see a message from one of your social network contacts promoting an animal charity as you are a human rights campaign. And causes dedicated to the disabled or homeless are even less popular, the study found.”

It sounds unbelievable right?  I mean, we all hire great, caring people – we are great, caring people, so why is it we would rather support a charity to help animals, than our own brothers and sisters who are living on the street? I call it the face test.  It’s easier for us to look into the eyes of a dog and cat and feel empathy.  It’s difficult to look into the eyes of a homeless man or woman – it makes us uncomfortable.  It’s similar to when people have a hard time talking about death – it becomes a little to real for them.  You having to engage a homeless person puts into real terms what life potentially has to offer – to you.  It makes you very uncomfortable.  So we combat that by making ourselves feel good – by donating money to animals.  We can rationalize that to ourselves – these beings can’t take care of themselves – so I will help them.

How does this help your Employee Engagement?

Pretty simple – don’t fight psychology – you’ll lose.  I’m not saying don’t support homeless charities – please do!  What I am saying is that your employees will rally around and be more engaged to help homeless pigmy goats, or barn cats in need of food.  It’s sad, but true.   People like to feel like they are making a difference, but most don’t want to get their hands dirty.  Local animal shelters needs funds. Great!  Our employees are the best, they’ll help!   And, they will.  That’s a good thing for your engagement.  Don’t focus on the negative, focus on what you can control in your world.  If you truly feel that bad about the concept, go out on your own and donate your time and resources to take care of actual humans.

Believe me, I’m guilty of this as well.  I support the crap of finding a cure for Leukemia. Truth be told, I’ve never met or known anyone with Leukemia – yet each year we do specific fundraising things just to help this cause.  I drive by a homeless guy almost every day on way to and from work – and I’ve never once offered to help him – not thrown him a couple bucks, dropped off food, nothing.  Psychology is a monster.  I vow to stop and offer some assistance the next time I see a homeless person.  I also vow to start an office program to help disabled kittens – it’s sure to get high participation!



Little Becomes Big

I think most things don’t change or get done in our organizations because people look at what needs to be done and thinks – “Holy crap! That’s a big job”.  That’s such a big job and I don’t have the resources or the time or the energy to tackle that right now.  In HR this happens to us all the time.  I would rather just stick with what we have because the amount of work it would take to make a change just isn’t something we can do, right now. “Can’t do right now”, by the way, means “never” in most organizations.

I’m not a all-at-once guy.  Many people are.  “If we are doing this, we’re doing it all!”  This is really an artificial roadblock many people put up to stop you.  They know you don’t want to do it all, ‘right now’, so they force the all-or-nothing compromise.  Which almost always goes to the ‘nothing’ decision.  I think HR can be much more effective by starting very small and moving slowly, but surely, in a direction of major change that you have planned out in the future.

Here’s how I like to do it – let’s use changing your interview process and beginning to get 100% compliance on using new competency driven interview guides.  Sounds like something your hiring managers will hate, right!?  Here’s how this normally works: Step 1 – Put together a 7 page questionnaire on competencies and send out to all 200 hiring managers in your organization with a time line of 4 weeks to return.  At 4 weeks, 12% have returned, after reminders 17% have returned. You’re dead in the water because you can get a majority of your hiring manager to even agree on which competencies are important in your organization.  Step 2– you give up.

Here’ how I do it:

Step 1: I meet with 4-5 top performing hiring managers who give a damn, individually, and gather their ‘opinion’ on what competencies really matter to them.

Step 2: I come up with a consensus of this small group and deliver them back an initial ‘draft’ interview guide, based on their recommendations, and ask for any additions or subtractions they would like to see.

Step 3:  I begin using these guides for all interviews with these managers as a ‘test’ case on how these might work with the rest of the organization.  This test might take 3-12 months based on how much hiring you do in your organization.  I change and tweak and better the guides constantly to make the more end-user friendly based on the hiring managers using them.

Step 4:  My 4-5 best hiring managers now have a habit of using competency based interview guides – 100%.  They are believers because they were the designers of them. They work, for them.  They will not want to change.

Step 5:  I present my ‘Competency based interview guide’ test results to leadership.

Step 6:  We roll out competency based interview guide process to the entire company – 100%.

Ok, I probably missed a couple steps in this quick example – but you get the idea.  Little steps become big steps.   How do you eat an Elephant?  One bite at a time.  The easiest way for an HR shop to get anything done in an organization is to find champions who are high performers to work with you and believe in what you’re doing – then just start doing it – ‘as a test’!  Most leadership love to see their employees trying things that is an attempt to make the organization better – especially when it’s their best and brightest!  Don’t get caught up in “Everybody has to do it”!  No they don’t – ‘Everybody’ will actually slow down what you’re trying to accomplish.

Little, becomes Big.







I Love Being Right!

I’m coming up on my annual review.  Something that my boss does that I like is to require me to put together all the things I did for the last year, beyond my normal job.  The theory being, why should I pay you more, if you’re just doing the same job.  Tell me what you do beyond the norm.  Tell me why you’re more valuable to me this year, than you were last year. It’s not perfect, but I’ve yet to see an evaluation system that is!  What it does do is drive conversation about what is valued in my organization.  You are hired and paid well to do a job.  That is expected.  If you want more – show us why.  Doing you normal job isn’t more – it’s what you were hired to do.

The problem with this is my self-insight measure, is off the chart.  When I sit down to write this up – all I do is find things that are wrong with me!  Which might be the entire reason for the exercise to begin with! Figure out that you suck, then I don’t have to pay you.

Here’s what I found out about myself this year:

  • I love being right.

That was about it.

It’s not a good thing – it’s definitely an opportunity area.  When you love to be ‘right’ you tend not to be the best listener.  Being right means you have to keep showing people you’re right.  Which means preparing what to say next instead of listening then crafting a response to what you heard.  Being right means that someone is wrong.  That, also, is not a good thing.  We live in a world of gray.  Most things in business aren’t right or wrong – there is usually an answer in the middle of the two – some will call it compromise, some will call it synergy – it’s a better third option.  Something we both created.

Having a desire to be right is somewhat immature.  It harkens back to the day of playgrounds and rows of desks.  It’s when you wanted to show your parents how smart you were.  You did that by being right – and sometimes being right got you a slap on the backside or early bed with no dinner.  Most people learn at an early age, being right isn’t all that you thought it would be! Being right, can also be very negative.

So, over the next 12 months I vow to work on not being right.  I want to embrace being wrong.  It doesn’t feel comfortable, but I know it will make me better.  It’s alright to be wrong (I’ll need to keep saying this to myself over and over!). Being wrong means I will be able to tell someone else they are ‘right’.  That seems like a better leader to me.

This is Why You’re Afraid to Make HR Simple

Have you ever wondered why HR Departments continue to make complex processes?  In reality, all of us, wants things simple.  But, when you look at our organizations they are filled with complexity.  It seems like the more we try to make things simple, the more complex they get.  You know what?  It’s you – it’s not everyone else.  You are making things complex, and you’re doing this, because it makes you feel good.

From Harvard Business Review:

“There are several deep psychological reasons why stopping activities is so hard to do in organizations. First, while people complain about being too busy, they also take a certain amount of satisfaction and pride in being needed at all hours of the day and night. In other words, being busy is a status symbol. In fact a few years ago we asked senior managers in a research organization — all of whom were complaining about being too busy — to voluntarily give up one or two of their committee assignments. Nobody took the bait because being on numerous committees was a source of prestige.

Managers also hesitate to stop things because they don’t want to admit that they are doing low-value or unnecessary work. Particularly at a time of layoffs, high unemployment, and a focus on cost reduction, managers want to believe (and convince others) that what they are doing is absolutely critical and can’t possibly be stopped. So while it’s somewhat easier to identify unnecessary activities that others are doing, it’s risky to volunteer that my own activities aren’t adding value. After all, if I stop doing them, then what would I do?”

That’s the bad news.  You have have deep psychological issues.  Your spouse already knew that about you.

The good news is, you can stop it!  How?  Reward people for eliminating worthless work.  Right now we reward people who are working 70 hours per week and always busy and we tell people “Wow! Look at Tim he’s a rock star – always here, always working!”  Then someone in your group goes, “Yeah, but Tim is an idiot, I could do his job in 20 hours per week, if…”  We don’t reward the 20 hour guy, we reward the guy working 70 hours, even if he doesn’t have to.

Somewhere in our society – the ‘working smarter’ analogy got lost or turned into ‘work smarter and longer’.  The reality is most people don’t have the ability to work smarter, so they just work longer and make everything they do look ‘Really’ important!   You just thought of someone in your organization, when you read that, didn’t you!?  We all have them – you can now officially call them ‘psychos’ – since they do actually have a “deep psychological” reasons for doing what they’re doing – Harvard said so!

I love simple.  I love simple HR.  I love simple recruiting.  I hate HR and Talent Pros that make things complex – because I know they have ‘deep psychological’ issues!  Please go make things simple today!

Direct Deposit Has Killed Compensation Motivation

Do you open your birthday cards and simultaneously do the “money grab”/catch, knowing-wanting something to fall out of your card?  Or do you play it cool and let it fall to the ground, acting like you didn’t expect it!?  That’s what I trained my kids to do – and act really surprised at the same time.

Seriously!? Don’t lie.  You do it.  How do I know you do it?  Because everyone does it!

There’s something emotional about opening a birthday card and finding money or a gift card in the card.  When there isn’t something in there, you almost feel the need to explain to the person – “oh sorry, we didn’t have time, here’s $20!”

One of the great traditional HRish things we use to get to do was to hand out paychecks on payday!  Don’t worry kids, ask someone over 30 to explain it to you.  It was a piece of paper you carried into a bank and would sign the back of this piece of paper and the bank would give you money! Yeah!  Anyway, direct deposit, paycards, etc. have almost completely killed paychecks and the need to go around on payday and hand deliver them to your employees.  That’s right kids – you had to meet face to face every other week with real employees! Sounds crazy, uh?

Paycheck delivery did a number of very motivating things, that in our rush to be ‘more efficient’ we have lost:

1. Payday euphoria!  Every payday when checks were being handed out you could almost feel the energy building in the organization.  Your boss or someone in HR/Payroll would walk around and hand out check, make small talk, give words of praise – “Have a great weekend!”, “Don’t spend it all in one place!”, or my personal favorite – “Can I have a loan?”

2. Leadership connections.  It really forced a ton of leaders to go out and deliver the ‘pay’ for the week.  Which really put them in a situation to have to say something nice to each employee! Crazy how motivating that is for employees after a long week!

3. A trophy for everyone.  When you got that paycheck in your hand, you felt like you accomplished something.  Here’s what I did all that work for.  I can look at it, I can see it, I can smell the ink! (don’t judge, I was born in the 70’s)

There is a definite emotional and some would say, physical, response to being handed a week or two’s worth of pay.  For most people, it feels good.  It feels like accomplishment.

Direct deposit takes that all a way.  On Friday afternoon, you don’t get a visit from your boss or HR. You don’t get to know your local banking people and get fresh new bills and those little money envelops from the teller and DumDum sucker for the kids.   Direct Deposit, while great in its efficiencies, has effectively killed one of life’s great joys.  Cashing your paycheck.

So, what do you think HR Pros – would you ever go back to handing out physical paychecks each week?



My Dongle is Bigger Than Your Dongle

In case you missed it last week, a couple people got fired for joking about the size of their dongles at a conference. Here’s the article from Tech Crunch — A Dongle Joke That Spiraled Way Out of Control.  Long story short — two guys make a sexually suggestive joke about a Dongle to no one in particular, but it’s at a conference and they’re in mixed company.  A lady overhears them and doesn’t like it. She takes a quick picture of them with her phone and tweets out the pic and the comment about how crude they are.  This gets the jokester fired, and, after the fallout, gets the lady who posted the picture fired!

To get reaction – I went to my buddy with the biggest dongle I know – Laurie Ruettimann!

(Tim) Laurie – you know the deal, you’ve been in HR, a couple of idiot guys saying inappropriate stuff – it’s HR 101 and an easy termination!  The backlash on the female who posted the original comment and pic, Adria Richards, I thought was a bit crazy.  It almost screams retaliation termination.  What is your take on this?  How would you have handled it as the HR leader?

(Laurie) If there is one thing like I like more than Human Resources, it’s dongles. I love them.

You know what I really hate? Public shaming. Adria Richards was well within her rights to be offended by a joke. I think using a #hashtag to talk about the joke, and gain the attention of the conference organizers, was okay. But when she took it upon herself to take a picture of the guys who made the dongle joke and publicly shame them, she went too far and exercised poor judgment.

Who wants to employ a person like that?

She was also fired because the hacker group Anonymous caught wind of her actions and went after her employer. Adria posed a risk to her organization. It was time for her to go.

There’s a lesson in this, Tim. Nothing good comes from industry conferences. Stop pretending like innovation and thought leadership happen at these stupid events. No matter what your industry, it’s mostly a bunch of nerdy dudes trying to hook up with hypersensitive chicks.  Get back to work.

(Tim)  LFR — Public Shaming?  You’re against Public Shaming!  Do you know Stephen Covey, Jack Welch and Mahatma Gandhi all call ‘Public Shaming’ one of the most underutilized management tools of the 21st century!  In fact, I think I taught a leadership development class on Public Shaming and Driving for Results back in the day.  

I’ll admit the Adria picture was a low blow — especially since in the photo it looks like there is one main dude she is pointing out, and that guy didn’t even do it.  Not only did she post the pic, she made it look like the wrong guy was the Neanderthal!  I’m still sitting here in shock you’re against public shaming, it’s the basis of every great HR Pro I know — and the entire liberal movement since the 1960’s!

(Laurie) My Dearest Timmy, I stand corrected. I am actually okay with public shaming when I do it, which is the hallmark of every great leader.

When I shame you, you deserve it. When someone shames me, they should get fired.

But the HR lady in me wonders why Adria didn’t have a crucial conversation with the guys who made the dongle joke. Right there. Adria wasn’t standing up for reproductive rights or fair wages. She wasn’t walking a picket line. Her safety and security weren’t being threatened. She heard a joke that bugged her. And if she can’t pony up the courage and tell two stupid dudes at an event to STFU, maybe she doesn’t deserve her job.

Leadership is all about small, subtle decisions. She made a big, dumb decision. So she’s out.

But you know my management motto: Do as I say, not as I do.

(Tim) I’m sure there’s some kind of poetic justice in all of this — but I’m an HR Pro and now have two positions to fill because people couldn’t act like adults.  Another day in HR!

So, what do you think? Would you have fired either, both or what? Hit us up in the comments.

The 4 People You Need In Your HR Network

Fast Company published an article titled called “The 4 People You Need For An Awesome Network” and like most stuff they put out, it was great!  Here’s a taste:

“Start with the Socialite. “If you’re not actively filling the role of Happy Hour Coordinator Extraordinaire,” Augustine writes, “you should befriend whoever is–and quick.” This is the friendly neighborhood super-connector, the person who will intro you to all the people you need to know.

And within that crew, you’ll find an Older Sibling that’s yearning to be a mentor. She can help you find the supply closet, navigate office politics, and vouch for your side hustles.

Another expert you need is the IT Guru: You don’t want to be stuck hapless while waiting for the IT ticket to be resolved, Augustine observes, so you better have a tech-knowledgable colleague that you can lean on in times of buggy need.

But office friendships aren’t just take-take-take; that would be ungracious. Be on the lookout for the Helpless Newbie: If someone is more doe-eyed than you, they could probably use a kind word–which could launch a career.”

It’s a strong list and everyone should have these 4 types of folks in their ‘inner-circle’ for sure.  The article did make me think about who it is I have and would recommend to other HR pros to have in their network to make themselves a better HR Pro.  Here’s my list:

1. A Money Girl.  The one thing you’ll need to be effective in HR is a budget that allows you to do basic blocking and tackling of the job.  So often I see HR pros struggle because they can’t even fund the ‘basics’.  It’s usually because they’ve gone through years of budget reduction and throwing their department on the proverbial sword.  A great relationship with a peer in finance will help stop this trend and actually reverse it!

2. Nerd.  Like the Fast Company article – it’s really a non-negotiable in my network – I have to have a great IT Pro on my side.  Great HR takes Great IT solutions to be the most efficient and effective you can be.

3.  Used Car Salesman.  Most HR Pros don’t know how to make money.  You need someone in your network that will help you think like a business person. Someone who will show you how to communicate like a profit center, not a cost center.  It’s not that you have to actually make money, but you need to run your HR shop like you could if you had to.

4. Trusted Adviser.  My last network must have is a strong relationship with a senior level executive who is not in your functional area.  I love to have these people be from operations, but really any area will do.  Why not your own function?  You need to sometimes run ideas and things by someone at an executive who isn’t your boss – to get real feedback.  Set this relationship up as a mentor and tell them it’s for your development, have regular time set on their calendar and come prepared to seek out their advice.  You have no idea how this will help you down the road within your organization!

Who would you add to you must have network relationships?



Do You Offer Unique Employment Experiences?

It is said that:

“Experiences are the new Luxury goods.”

Think about what people are paying for –

  • Navy Seal inspired Bootcamp
  • Tough Mudder
  • Marathons
  • Haunted House Vacations
  • Survival Vacations
  • The Death Race
  • To be challenged mentally and physically beyond anything they have ever experienced!

We are spending our free time and our hard earned money, not on relaxation, but on experiences that we will never have or find in our daily life.  Experiences that make us feel good about ourselves – doing things we thought we would never be able to do.


You could go out and buy yourself a new Rolex for $5,000 or you could backpack across the desert over two weeks in brutal conditions.  Which one would you remember most?  Which one would you talk about more? Which one would make you most proud of yourself?  Experiences are the new Luxury goods.

I’ve thought about this recently in terms to employee engagement and loyalty.   In my company we have had a Sales Retreat a number of times in our history.  We don’t have one each year, but we’ve had a number of them in our history.  It’s part education, part team building, part motivation, part party.  Everyone of them offers a great ’employment’ experience and they are talked about often, months and years later.  During these retreats – no sales happen, no recruiting happens, our normal daily work stops.  Yet, these are the experiences my team remembers most.  Same with the chili cook-offs, the football tailgates, the Friday after-work happy hours.  We laugh, we share, we learn more about each other than we knew before.

My recruiters also get to travel to client sites – some are close, within driving distance – some they have to fly to.  All of them love going to meet with clients at their locations, seeing their operations, meeting the people face-to-face.  Maybe not totally ‘unique’ – but different from their daily tasks for sure.  This doesn’t happen weekly, maybe not even monthly – but they all get to get out from time to time.

I’m wondering how often do you give your employees unique experiences?  It doesn’t have to trips or picnics.  It can be something that fits right into your daily operations and your employees development plans.  These experiences can all be tied right to the betterment of your business.  Think about that up and coming leader who just isn’t that well known.  How hard would it be to have that person co-present at your next department meeting or even at a board meeting!  While that might not ‘challenge’ you – it might challenge the heck out of them!  What about having your HR Director go on a sales call with your VP of Sales?  And not just sit there, but have one portion of the sales presentation they have to answer to!

Unique experiences challenge people.  They challenge people to sharpen their saw, to get out of their comfort zone and stay engaged with your business.  It’s something money or extra benefits can’t touch.  Unique experiences are priceless.  They don’t cost of anything, yet it’s one of the most valuable things we have to offer.  Great leaders and great HR Pros can make these experiences happen.  It doesn’t have to be a crazy position description or job design, it just has to be different from what the person normally does.  An average day for one of your operations leaders, could be a crazy day for one of your marketing associates, and vice verse.


The Propinquity Effect

Ok, kids – it’s Readers Digest Word Power time!

I’m constantly trying to get my HR and Talent peers to spend more time with those they serve.  Shared time – face-to-face – lunch, coffee, cigarette breaks, drinks after work, Thursday night bowling league – it doesn’t matter.  The time and space is the important thing.  More time. Closer together.

There’s a name for this, it’s called the Propinquity Effect:

The propinquity effect is the tendency for people to form friendships or romantic relationships with those whom they encounter often, forming a bond between subject and friend. Occupational propinquity based on a person’s career, is also commonly seen as a factor in marriage selection. Workplace interactions are frequent and this frequent interaction is often a key indicator as to why close relationships can readily form in this type of environment.[1] In other words, relationships tend to form between those who have a high propinquity.

It’s hard to get most HR Pros to believe this.  It’s science that has real personal value to your overall HR effectiveness within your organization.  Spend more time, building a relationship with another individual outside of HR in your organization, and you’ve just added to your organizational influence.

I’m not saying you have to become close friends and go on vacation with each other.  What I’m saying is you need to find value in building personal relationships at work – if – and this is a big ‘if’ – you have a goal to be more effective in HR.  That might sound slightly facetious – but it’s not.  Some of you are fine with where your role in HR is in your organization.  Others of you are not satisfied with how your role is seen in HR.   Propinquity is easiest way to change that.


Have A Poor Performer, Call Their Parents!

It’s a different world we live. 30 is the new 20, which makes 20 the new 10, which makes me, still old.  I’ve mentioned this before, and people always felt like it was always tongue in cheek, but I think it’s time as HR pros and leaders we start having parents in on our performance conversations. I’m serious!  I have a great real-life example from the world of the NBA. Klay Thompson, a member of the Golden State Warriors, was involved in a fight recently and fined $35,000. No big deal, right? Typical NBA pro sports behavior. But, wait! His dad, former NBA player Mychal Thompson, keeps his son’s finances and “grounded” him from his weekly allowance! From the Bleacher Report:

“The 23-year-old doesn’t have access to his money, all cheques are paid to Mychal and Julie who take care of his accounts for him to make sure Klay’s financial situation is set up for his post NBA career. So, naturally, Papa Thompson’s going to teach Klay a lesson of his own by fining him personally also, however Klay will find out the old fashioned way.

“He will [find out he’s been fined by us] when he sees that cash envelope show up a little short this week,” he said.”

23 years old.  How many young 20’s do you have working in your office?  How many of those young 20’s and late 20’s and possibly 30’s – could use a little wake up call from Mom and/or Dad!?

If HR has taught me anything, it’s most leaders are terrible at holding their employees accountable and managing performance.  It’s not getting better, it’s gotten worse over the past 5 years.  Most organizations eliminated or reduced leadership training during the recession, so our leaders haven’t gotten better, they’ve gotten worse.  We can start spending a ton of resources to train them and get them up to speed – or – we could just hand them Billy’s Mom’s number and have her come by the office one day.  Kind of like a conference at school!

“Mrs. Sackett, we are glad you could take time out of your busy day to talk about Timmie.  You see, Timmie is a little…well, let’s say Tim’s performance isn’t where it should be for someone of his age, experience and education. I was hoping you might be able to help me get Tim back on track.  Here are some examples of what Tim’s been doing…”

Can you imagine how 99% of those poor performers involved in this conversation would change!?  We laugh because it seems absurd that we would have to call in someone’s parents to adjust their performance, but I truly think in the right circumstance, it could really work.  I’ve seen it work well with good performance.  I’ve had a past boss speak to my mother about my good performance and she lite up like a Christmas tree, made me feel proud.  After that happen to me, I did it with some employees who worked for me, with the same result.  If it works so well on the positive side – why should we dismiss it wouldn’t work on the correction side?

Before you let go of your next poor performer – do me one favor – make one more call – one last ditch effort – call Mom and Dad in for a meeting.