The New HR Math

It all started with a great premise: Let’s teach kids an easier way to understand math so they won’t end up hating it. We can all buy into that, right!?

What came out was a classic organizational nightmare of project-gone-wrong, in a way only HR can truly understand—the Common Core was born. Now, there you sit at the kitchen table trying to show your kid how to do basic multiplication, but you really have no clue on how to do it the “new-math” way.

In a similar way, it used to be HR and Talent Acquisition could just run some spreadsheets, make a three-color pie graph, drop it in the middle of the conference table and—BAM—our job was done.

But, not anymore! Now you’re expected to take your people analytics and make evidence-based decisions, and prove we actually know what we’re talking about, eliminating the art and “feel” of classic HR and Talent practices.

We feel your pain, and we can’t multiply the new way either. That’s why our May installment of the FOT webinar is entitled, The New HR Math: Dumbing Down HR Analytics for Everyday HR and Talent Pros. Join FOT’s Tim Sackett and Kris Dunn for this webinar (sponsored by HireVue, a company that gets predictive analytics at a whole other level), and we’ll share the following goodies with you:

5 HR and Talent Analytics you should stop measuring immediately! You know what looks really bad to your leadership? When HR is using the old math, and everyone else is using the new math!

5 HR and Talent Analytics you should start measuring immediately! Don’t be that parent fighting the good fight, ostracizing your kid from society by not allowing them to use the new math skills! We have the new cool measures you really need to be using in HR and recruiting today.

3 Best Practices every HR and Talent Acquisition shop can do right now with their analytics. You now know what the numbers are, but what the heck are you supposed to do with them? Fear not, Tim and Kris watched every YouTube video possible on the new math, they can show you the way!

– A primer on what’s next once you start using these Predictive Analytics. Since you specialize in people, you naturally understand the move to using analytics that helps you predict the future is only half the battle—you have to have a plan once the predictions are made. We’ll help you understand the natural applications for using your predictive analytical data as both a hammer and a hug—to get people who need to change moving, and to embrace those that truly want your help as a partner.

You’re a quality HR pro who knows how to get things done. Join us May 27th at 2pm EST for The New HR Math: Dumbing Down HR Analytics for Everyday HR and Talent Pros, and we’ll help you understand how to deploy the “new-math” principles in HR that allow you to use predictive analytics to position yourself as the expert you are.

2 Reason Men Get Hired More Than Women

The New York Times had an article regarding hiring practices and succession practices at Google, and G*d knows if Google is doing it, it must be important, and we all must try and do the same thing. What I liked about this article was it didn’t necessarily look at practices and processes, it looked at data. The data found that Google, like almost every other large company, does a crappy job hiring and promoting women.

Shocking, I know, if you’re a man! We had no idea this was going on! In America of all places… Beyond the obvious, though, Google was able to dig into the data and find out the whys and make some practical changes that I think most companies can implement, and that I totally agree with.  From the article:

“Google’s spreadsheets, for example, showed that some women who applied for jobs did not make it past the phone interview. The reason was that the women did not flaunt their achievements, so interviewers judged them unaccomplished.

Google now asks interviewers to report candidates’ answers in more detail. Google also found that women who turned down job offers had interviewed only with men. Now, a woman interviewing at Google will meet other women during the hiring process.

A result: More women are being hired.”

Here are two selection facts that impact both men and women:

1.  We like to surround ourselves with people who we like, which usually means in most cases people who are similar to ourselves.

2. We tend not to want to brag about our accomplishments, but our society has made it more acceptable for men to brag.

This has a major impact to your selection, and most of you are doing nothing about it.  It’s very common that if you run simple demographics for your company, ANY COMPANY, you’ll see that the percentage of your female employees does not come close to the percentage of your female leadership.

Why is that?

Here are two things you can do to help make the playing field more level in your organization:

1. Have women interview women.  Sounds a bit sexist in a way, but if you want women to get hired into leadership positions you can’t have them going up against males being interviewed by males because the males will almost always feel more comfortable with another male candidate. Reality sucks, buy a helmet.

2. Ask specific questions regarding accomplishments and take detailed notes. Studies have found woman don’t get hired or promoted because they don’t “sell” or brag enough about their accomplishments giving their male counterparts a leg up, because the males making the hiring decisions now have “ammunition” to justify their decision to hire the male.

Let’s face it, Google is doing it, so now we all have to do it.  What would we do without best practices…(maybe innovate and create new better practices – but I digress…).

Talent Acquisition’s 2032 Nightmare

According to a recent USA Today article the U.S. birthrate is in sharp decline and is at its lowest levels in the past 25 years.   Here’s probably a few facts you don’t know:

– Projected 2013 birthrate in the U.S. is estimated to be 1.86

– Birthrate needed to maintain a population over a 20 year period is 2.1

Why should this concern you?

There are a number of reasons and one might be that you need as many young people as old for the simple fact of having enough young people to take care of your older population.  If you turn that equation upside down (Taiwan 1.1 or Portugal 1.3) you have a society full of older people and not enough young people to fill the jobs needed to keep running your society.

The U.S. has 5 Million jobs left unfilled because of lack of skilled employees, today. Imagine if you now have millions of less workers to even choose from, and, by the way, skilled workers aren’t coming from other countries because their societies are growing and need them.  That is what our country’s employment picture will look like in 2032.  This will be a HR/Recruiting nightmare for those young HR/Talent Pros starting out their careers in the next 10 to 15 years.

Being the Futurist that I am, I’ve already provided a solution to this problem back in 2011 over at Fistful of Talent. Should You Encourage Your Employees To Have Babies, check it out. Basically my advice remains the same, as U.S. employers we need to create a positive, encouraging environment for our employees, with family-friendly policies that make our employees feel like starting a family is a good thing, and that if they do start a family their job and ability to get a promotion won’t be compromised.  This is not the case as many U.S. employers right now, for both men and women in the workforce.

As HR Pros and organizations we tend to think this isn’t our issue.  It will take care of itself, but as we look at countries with low birthrates, the issue doesn’t take care of itself and those countries have a worker crisis going on right now.   We need to change our ways right now.  We need to be family friendly employers. We need to, as HR Pros, be concerned and find solutions for our employees around daycare, flexible schedules and other practices that will help our employees with families.   I know it sounds a bit the-sky-is-fallingish, but the numbers don’t lie we are headed for some of the hardest hiring this country has ever seen.

One solution I’ve thought of, that I didn’t bring up in 2011, is baby sign-on bonuses!  We do it for college students. I think we start doing for babies of our best employees.  I mean if parents can arrange their kids marriage, what stops us from arranging their first job?  Nothing! That’s what.  Imagine how happy your employees would be to cash a $20,000 check to help with baby expenses for the simple task of forcing their kid to come to work with your company upon college graduation.  It seems so simple! I’m not quite sure why no one has started this yet…

Your HR Software Doesn’t Suck!

It’s the one of the great HR truths:

– Candidates who get a flat tire on their way into an interview are liars.

– Employees don’t really get sick on Mondays and Fridays.

– You hate your HR software.

Or so we all thought.

Key Interval, a rising HR Analyst firm, came out with some dynamic research recently that showed that 76% of HR and Talent Pros actually don’t mind the HR software they’re using!

This goes against everything I ever thought was true in HR.  From the moment I stepped into my first HR position, people bitched and complained about their ATS, about their dinosaur HR system of record, about their performance management system.  In reality, the research actually shows that most practitioners actually don’t mind the system they’re using, and get the work done they need to get done.

I personally can’t name one person I ever met who was using Peoplesoft or ADP who had one good thing to say about them (side note – I’ve used both, and they worked just fine), but now I wonder if that was just HR commiseration and bonding.  “Hey, you want to be one of us, let’s talk crap about our software!”

The data presented by Key Interval is deep, so I tend to believe that over what I think I know about this issue. When I think about it in my own context, I have to admit, I never really hated any single piece of software I used in HR or Talent Acquisition.  Did I wish I had something better with more bells and whistles? Heck yeah! There’s always a shinier toy.  But, the software I was using was getting the job done, and not stopping me from doing what needed to be done.

One of the major reasons HR and Talent pros probably feel like they hate the software they use, is because they had, and have, no say in what they use. It’ the Skippy and Jif issue.  If you’re made to eat Skippy peanut butter, you’ll most likely will complain that Jif is better. Jif is better, but that’s not the point.  The point is we all like to have a say in the tools we use to do our job.  What pen are using right now? More than likely you either have a great office supply budget and buy pens you love, or you bought pens you love on your own and brought them to work. HR pros are crazy about pens.

This concept was just one small piece from a 66 page report Key Interval just released.  There’s a ton of data on for both HR pros and HR vendors on how relationships impact software selection and renewal, that is fascinating. HR vendors are completely insane not to be delivering cookies to their best clients each week, face to face!  Go check it out, the guys at Key Interval are brilliant in a very pragmatic way, that gives you the knowledge you need to know to move your organization forward.



T3 – Talemetry

T3 – Talent Tech Tuesday – is a weekly series here at The Project to educate and inform everyone who stops by on a daily/weekly basis on some great recruiting and sourcing technologies that are on the market.  None of the companies who I highlight are paying me for this promotion.  There are so many really cool things going on in the space and I wanted to educate myself and share what I find.  If you want to be on T3 – send me a note.

This week on T3 I reviewed the recruitment marketing and automation software Talemetry. Talemetry works with your ats & includes CRM, job posting, talent networks, employee referrals, mobile automation, career site landing pages, etc.  Basically, they do everything your ATS doesn’t do, but you wished it did!

Talemetry works with your applicant tracking system enabling you to reach candidates quickly using all recruitment marketing and sourcing channels and activities on a single powerful technology platform. Improve candidate experiences, optimize recruiter efficiency, control costs, and measure what works.   Ultimately, they are delivering a full suite of products to help you manage the candidate relationship like you want to, but never were able to.

Talemetry, like many of the major recruitment CRM and recruitment marketing automation tools are for enterprise level type talent acquisition shops. Basically, if you have 2,000 employees and above, this is a product that can transform how you recruit for your organization.

5 Things I really liked about Talemetry

1.  Perfect tool for Talent Acquisition leaders who are managing multiple locations that are using multiple ATSs and you are struggling to get all this data under one roof.  The depth of analytics within Talemetry allows you to really optimize your recruitment operations.

2. Two integration with your ATS.  Talemetry isn’t just pulling information out of your ATS, it also is putting information back in.  For those using Oracle and Taleo, this is important. The last thing you want, using an enterprise level ATS, is using a recruitment marketing tool that is just a work-around.

3. Talemetry helps your team source on a number of levels socially, job boards, etc., but also leverages your own internal ATS database to source as well.  The most underutilized sourcing tool we all have is our own database, and Talemetry doesn’t allow you to forget this!

4. Recruitment performance metrics. You don’t expect this from a recruitment marketing/automation type of software, but Talemetry delivers great individual Recruiter metrics.  Another powerful tool for leaders managing multiple locations and recruiting team spread all over.

5. Auto broadcasting your jobs out is expected.  Auto broadcasting your jobs out based on rules, like title, location, etc. is pretty cool.  Talemetry allows you to build in specific rules of what and where you broadcast your jobs out to.

CRM recruitment marketing automation type softwares, like Talemetry, are the future of talent acquisition.  Everyone has an ATS, the organizations using advance recruitment marketing tools are going to win the war for talent in the future.

Talemetry is definitely worth checking out especially if you already an Oracle/Peoplesoft and Taleo ATS users, which is a sweet spot for them.  But, they can integrate with any ATS, really, so don’t hold up if you aren’t using one of those.


6 Ways to Make Your Recruiting/Talent Metrics More Strategic

Let’s face it—the recruiting metrics you use at your company are either non-existent or stale.  Sure, you tried to roll out the basics—time to hire, cost per hire—but all that did was put the focus on your HR/Recruiting function, not the people who actually make the final hiring decision.  Flash forward 12 months since the launch of those basic recruiting metrics, and you’re bored… heck, everyone’s bored.

Never fear! The FOT webinar makes it’s 2015 debut with Six Ways to Make Your Recruiting/Talent Metrics More Strategic – And Make Managers Own Their New Hires.

Join us for this webinar (sponsored by on Thursday, February 26th at 2pm EST (11am Pacific) and we’ll hit you the following goodies:

A review of the traditional talent selection/recruiting metrics.  We’ll give you a rundown of those metrics like Time To Fill and Cost Per Hire, what the standard benchmarks are for each and then explain why only using these traditional metrics is a lost cause/suckers play.

An explanation of the Holy Grail of reporting Recruiting Effectiveness and why it changes the conversation from “Did we fill the position?” to “Did we make the right hire and what happened once we filled the position?. We call this metric Hiring Manager Batting Average (HMBA for those of you that need an acronym), and it’s the cleanest, most all-encompassing metric you can have to make your internal recruiting conversation strategic—not transactional—and actually make it tie in to your overall talent strategy, not just Talent Acquisition.

How to change the dialog of organizational turnover from being an HR problem to being everyone’s problem. Admit it, you report on turnover all the time. We’ll show you how to link turnover to your selection process in a way that spreads the wealth related to turnover responsibility—and actually sets you up to be more consultative and less reactive related to employee churn.

We’ll give you 5 additional metrics to show how your recruiting/staffing process actually reduces risk of bad hires and prepares for future searches.  You need to get out of the trap of only reporting cost and time.  We’ve got the metrics to show you how to do that.

Things that are hard:  Riding a bike on a freeway. Getting your kids to eat peas. Getting managers to own the bad hires they make and be interested in getting better at selection.  Join us for Six Ways to Make Your Recruiting/Talent Metrics More Strategic – And Make Managers Own Their New Hires on Thursday, February 26th at 2pm EST, and we’ll show you how to create recruiting/talent metrics that get the attention of your organization.  You’re on your own with the other two.

T3 – @OrgVue #HRTech

T3 – Talent Tech Tuesday – is a weekly series here at The Project to educate and inform everyone who stops by on a daily/weekly basis on some great recruiting and sourcing technologies that are on the market.  None of the companies who I highlight are paying me for this promotion.  There are so many really cool things going on in the space and I wanted to educate myself and share what I find.  If you want to be on T3 – send me a note.

Today on T3 I get the pleasure of reviewing OrgVue a London based tech firm and management consultancy, that built one of the most awesome HR specific Business Intelligence tools I’ve ever seen!  OrgVue is an integrated software platform bringing Org Design, HR Analytics and WOrgVue logoorkforce Planning together in a single product. Gartner named them the ‘Cool’ product of 2014, and ‘Cool’ is an understatement!

Think about this way, you have many systems in your organization that have employee data, and even in a suite environment, rarely does everything come together nicely.  It’s messy. OrgVue takes all this messy data and brings back to you clean answers.  One thing every HR shop gets tasked to do is developing Org Charts. OrgVue takes Org Charts into the next millenium.  It does, intuitively, what we always wished Org Charts could do. Click on a person and gives you all their data, performance, roles they’ve been, etc.

From a workforce planning perspective it does real-time workforce modeling.  Lose your head of design? What impact will that have downstream? OrgVue can show you in a few clicks. Want to re-org? OrgVue can show you cost savings of the new org before you even make the move through it’s modeling tool.  OrgVue takes the HR Business Partner model to a whole new level.

5 Things I Really Like About OrgVue: 

1. OrgVue gives an organization one source of true data maintained through seamless integration of multiple systems and locations. Want to compare hiring analytics between Michigan and Texas, just a few clicks. North America and Europe, a few more clicks. It’s crazy powerful!

2. OrgVue constantly is intaking and cleaning data in real-time.  This means the charts and reports you pass along to decision makers are accurate and not dated.

3. So many of our executives are visual learners. OrgVue understands this and brings your HR data to life visually. Also, executives are known for asking for ‘one-more-thing’, “Can I just see this data sliced a bit differently”. It’s the vain of HR pros around the world. Not with OrgVue.

4. The organizational modeling and scenario planning tool is unlike anything I’ve seen from any other vendor, ever. In fact, I’ll say that OrgVue probably could take the jobs of some highly paid consultants that you pay to do this now!

5. Everything you create and see in OrgVue is turned easily with a click into Excel, PowerPoint and PDFs.  Why fight it?! Big orgs want their paper, spreadsheets and slides, so give it to them, when they need it.

I say this too often, but I was completely blown away by this product.  I would invest in this company, that’s how blown away I was!

But, let me be clear, OrgVue is for a sophisticated HR buyer.  This is a big shop, Fortune 1000 type product.  Regardless, I would encourage every HR executive you must demo this product. Even if you aren’t in the market, treat this a personal development, the OrgVue folks will teach you some stuff on this demo.  You will never look at your data the same way again!

T3 – NAS Recruitment Innovation #HRTech

T3 – Talent Tech Tuesday – is a weekly series here at The Project to educate and inform everyone who stops by on a daily/weekly basis on some great recruiting and sourcing technologies that are on the market.  None of the companies who I highlight are paying me for this promotion.  There are so many really cool things going on in the space and I wanted to educate myself and share what I find.  If you want to be on T3 – send me a note.

I’ve known NAS Recruitment Innovation is a company I’ve known and worked with for over ten years.  It’s definitely a company I wanted to highlight on T3.  I’ve written this before but in my mind there are two kinds of technology companies: 1. Born out of a technology solution; 2. Born out of a problem and adapted to the technology of the day.  NAS, in my estimation, is in the later types of companies.

NAS was started as advertising, marketing, creative type company 60 years ago, specifically to help ‘personnel’ executives with something that hadn’t even been termed yet, but we know it today as “employment branding.”  Today, they rival the best recruitment marketing firms out there from both a creative perspective and a technology perspective.

NAS’s main technology solution is called ACTIVATE and it’s a candidate attraction platform. With a powerful SEO engine at its core, ACTIVATE pushes branded job positions from your ATS to your career site. But ACTIVATE is more than SEO. ACTIVATE integrates decades of strategic recruitment expertise and industry-leading analysis to optimize your candidate sourcing platform and improve the overall effectiveness of your recruitment marketing program. In simple terms, ACTIVATE increases your candidate pull. NAS turns your career site into a candidate attraction site.

5 Things I really like about NAS – ACTIVATE

1. NAS’s people get corporate recruitment at a much higher level than most technology recruiting companies.  It’s not just about the technology, you have to understand recruitment and candidates.  You need people on your side in Talent Acquisition and HR that are creative and NAS does this as good as anyone!

2. The ACTIVATE platform increases your candidate experience through better design and without you having to do any heavy lifting.  NAS gets how and why candidate search for jobs and uses this knowledge to deliver a great search and apply experience for candidates.

3. You don’t care about mobile, but your candidates do and the ACTIVATE platform will optimize this for you.  A great example is recruiting Nurses. Nurses aren’t at a desktop all day, they’re constantly on the move. But they engage their mobile devices all day long. If you aren’t mobile optimized and delivering a great mobile experience, you’re missing out in a big way!

4. ACTIVATE delivers you real-time metrics from your career site.  Big or small, this is a must have in today’s highly competitive talent market.  If you don’t know what’s working, or what’s not working, you’re just flying blind. No talent acquisition leader wants to be in this position.

5. CRM functionality with custom branded email campaigns.  Recruiting and CRM isn’t new, but it’s still something way too many shops are utilizing. If you do utilize a CRM you want to make sure it’s connected with the rest of your data, and the ACTIVATE platform does this with your ATS.

I’ve used NAS so in my mind they cater a little better to the talent acquisition pro who might not as technologically savvy as they would want to be.  They definitely don’t try and shove tech down your throat, but will ease you into it and show you how you can make great strides with it in your department.

NAS recruiting innovation has the technology and know how to help your talent acquisition team take your entire organization to the next level. Check them out, I’ve personally used them in the past and they made my life easy. I don’t know if I can give a company higher praise than that!

T3 – Jibe #HRTech

T3 – Talent Tech Tuesday – is a weekly series here at The Project to educate and inform everyone who stops by on a daily/weekly basis on some great recruiting and sourcing technologies that are on the market.  None of the companies who I highlight are paying me for this promotion.  There are so many really cool things going on in the space and I wanted to educate myself and share what I find.  If you want to be on T3 – send me a note.

This week on T3 I reviewed the mobile recruiting and analytics solution Jibe.   The one thing everyone knows in talent acquisition in 2015 is that candidates no longer just apply via their desktop computer.  Candidates now apply to your jobs using a many different devices, smartphones, tablets, ultrabooks, etc.  Organizations can no longer ignore mobile as being one of their largest potential candidate drivers.  This is Jibe’s sweet spot!

Jibe is mobile native. This means they weren’t first a desktop software that developers made fit to the small screen.  Jibe developed their solution specifically for the small screen.  Jibe dramatically improves the candidate experience to candidates on your mobile experience.  Jibe works with your current ATS to give candidates a best in class apply process via mobile.

Statistics show that anywhere from 50-80% of candidates will begin their job search process with you via mobile, but only 10-15% will actually complete that process via mobile. That’s a huge miss. You are forcing those candidates to another platform to finish, and when you do that most drop off.

Jibe also has a great recruiting analytics backend called Jibe Insights.  Jibe basically takes your ATS data and fuses it with their apply data and can show you where in your process you’re falling down.  The analytics behind source performance, and how Jibe can segment this down, is one of the best I’ve seen.   Jibe also has a CRM module that has exceptional application for field and campus recruiting with one click mobile connect onsite at career fairs and other offsite locations.

5 Things I Really Like About Jibe:

1. Jibe doesn’t do what most of your ATS vendors will do and basically make your site a mini-site for mobile. It gives your candidates an industry leading mobile online experience, they believe is all you.  From an employment branding perspective this is huge. You might not actually be the most technology advanced HR shop, but Jibe allows you to hide that fact!

2. Most ATS systems have analytics but they are really weak on the apply process side, which ends up being where most of your TA budget is spent. Jibe connects your ATS data with the apply data and specifically shows you what is giving you the best ROI and what isn’t.

3. Recruiting is a process, and it’s meant to be improved. Jibe uses supply chain type process models to help you improve your processes. Most corporate TA folks don’t think in the supply chain type mode, so it truly helps make you better at getting candidates into your pipeline.

4. Jibe’s Candidate Connect CRM has great application for field and campus recruiting.  This process was just so easy, I was amazed. I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spend on campus, only to go back and spend more hours trying to get those candidates into our system, or having most fall off when they don’t complete the process. One click and their in, right now, on campus, no waiting. That’s cool!

5. Jibe started on the social recruiting side as well, back when we just called it social media. Their ‘Get Referred’ product uses your employees professional networks to increase your referrals, and put your employee referral program on steroids.

If you take anything away from this review, it better be mobile is important.  Look around you, everyone is using a device, and it’s usually not a desktop computer.  We as Talent Acquisition pros need to embrace mobile and make sure candidates can find us and apply, easily via these channels. If you don’t, you’re going to be left behind.



T3 – Swoop Talent

T3 – Talent Tech Tuesday – is a weekly series here at The Project to educate and inform everyone who stops by on a daily/weekly basis on some great recruiting and sourcing technologies that are on the market.  None of the companies who I highlight are paying me for this promotion.  There are so many really cool things going on in the space and I wanted to educate myself and share what I find.  If you want to be T3 – send me a note.

This week I’m looking at Swoop Talent.  When I first contacted, industry veteran, Stacy Chapman to talk to her about her company Swoop, I assumed I would be demoing a basic, straight forward people aggregator.  Boy, was I wrong, and in for a treat!  That is how Swoop first got started, but that is not where it’s going.

Swoop is a social sourcing tool for sure, but they are beginning to pivot away from just social sourcing, people aggregation, and into the world of solving talent acquisitions problems of having all of the people record data amongst disparate systems.  What does that mean?  Right now you have candidate data all over the place. Your own ATS. Social profiles on systems like LinkedIn, social profiles from people aggregators, your employee referral tool, etc. Basically, you’ve got potential candidates strung all over the place.

Sure you try and pull them all into your ATS, but even your ATS can be bear to search and retrieve.  Swoop solves all of this by building one talent record off all of your data from ATS to Email to CRM to Resumes to Social, and gives you one single view of talent.  Going to do campus hiring and the college kids are handing you paper resumes? Swoop allows you to take a pic with your phone and automatically builds a talent record of this kid, with their resume and their social profiles.

Swoop basically takes the overlap of records out of your disparate systems and gives you one true view of what your talent landscape truly looks like. Why is this important? You need to know what system(s) are delivering you the most talent, the best talent, how should I spend my recruitment marketing dollars.  Swoop answers all these questions, and has great data visualization as well, to help tell the story of what’s going on in the markets you’re going after.

5 Things I really liked about Swoop: 

1. Swoop integrates your own ATS data.  This allows you to use their search capability to mine your own ATS. Can’t stand Taleo’s search functionality? Swoop solves this.

2. Swoop still has over 150 million talent profiles, so you still get great sourcing technology, the difference is unifying this with all your other data gives you a much more complete sourcing tool, that eliminates the overlap and waste.  Plus, it automatically updates profiles as well, behind the scene, so you aren’t looking at some old ATS record from three years ago.

3. The product actually mines and helps uncover some real talent gold within your own ATS.  I see this constantly with RPO clients we work with. Once we get into their ATS, we find great talent just sitting there they had no idea was already in their system.

4. Swoop gives talent executives an understanding about talent markets they operate in unlike anything else I’ve seen.  This is important when making financial decisions on what products to continue, to purchase new, to stop using altogether, etc.

5. The college recruiting piece is easy.  For those that go out to campus and need to get all this data back into their systems, you know what a pain this can be. Swoop makes this really easy, and functional.

Not many people know the capabilities of where Swoop is right now.  They haven’t gone out publicly in a big way yet, and marketing will start soon. This is an enterprise play to be sure, implementation costs run $10-20K based on size, and annual costs run around $.15 or less per record. Overall, that isn’t really that big of a cost when you really understand the capabilities you gain with Swoop.

If you’re using a bunch of tools right now to source talent it’s really worth your time to demo Swoop and see how they can help you. If you’re using one of the giant HRM systems, like Taleo, Bullhorn, Successfactors, etc., it’s also probably worth your time to demo as well.