Don’t think this is a post about me coming out as a Conservative! I did that a long time ago. I actually don’t consider myself a conservative. I would consider myself a social moderate. I hate big government, tax increases and 24 months of unemployment insurance. I also hate my government telling women they can’t get an abortion, and the fact our planet is dying and government does little to stop it. Every time there is a Presidential election I feel none of the candidates are good choices. The two party system is slowing killing everything that is great about America.
So, who am I calling out of the closet?
All those individuals, male and female, that you have working for you. All ages and ethnicities, that are considered to be ‘conservative’ in their beliefs towards issues in politics, society and culture.
Do you know why they are in the closet?
You put them there. You make it wrong for them to believe in Jesus, to believe women shouldn’t have abortions, to believe that people on welfare sometimes take advantage of the system. You make them stay in the closet by making them believe that the only ‘right’ opinion is that of the liberal minority in your workforce. You teach them that ‘inclusion’ is believing what you believe. That your liberal beliefs in politics, finances and social responsibility are the ‘right’ beliefs. That if you believe like we do, feel free to share it publicly around the office, but if you don’t believe like we do you aren’t welcome here.
So, they stay in the closet.
It’s not that they’re really bad people. They just believe differently than you. You might look at them as throw backs of by gone era. Must be from the Midwest, you think to yourself, no one on the coast would think like that. Must be from a small town, because big city folks are more ‘well rounded’ in their beliefs. You make them feel like their kind is unwelcome in your work environment. We like are employees to be progressive in their thoughts and beliefs. We are an ‘Inclusive’ workplace…
Until you’re not.